For My Paid Subscribers: Editing Magic
Excerpt from my book: A Friendly Guide to Writing and Ghostwriting
I have rewritten – often several times – every word I have ever published. My pencils outlive their erasers.
- - - Vladimir Nabokov
You finished your first draft. Give yourself a pat on the back. You had an idea, you tamed your inner critic, you ignored the naysayers, you chose a working title, and you kept collapsing your Table of Contents and reorganizing it. You put your chapters in order and you maneuvered the lull of the halfway point. You agonized when you got stuck and didn't know where to go next. You berated yourself in a million different ways, trying to convince yourself that you were no good at this and never would be. But you overrode it, uncovered your authentic voice, and found the natural rhythm and flow of your words.