Dear perfectionist ; make room for love I’ve come in and silenced is my critic that’s grown weary of her love presence. 🔥❤️🦋🎼harken my new language I’ve grown accustomed to its voice. Now chuckling off the echoed walls. This IS the moment alive I make more space. And do it is.

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Life is a series of crossroads-and as the old saw has it, of trade-offs. Your dream-based judge, aka conscience or self-concept, has its place, and that place is one of your own choosing. I am at the latest of a series of crossroads, regarding a dear friendship. The friend's sudden lapse into silence could be for any one of a thousand reasons. So my reservoir of patience is in play-and it is full. Regardless of what happens, I have lived long enough to know that this is not my endgame. So may it be with you.

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Me as a70 something human

Words, bad good.

Judgmeent judgment

Thank you.

Stop it.

Thank you

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